Gary Axen, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Earth & Environmental Science
- gary.axen@nmt.edu
- 575 - 835 - 5178
- MSEC 344
I am a structural geologist with broad interests in orogenesis, fault mechanics, rock deformation and subsurface interpretation. My research has included projects in the U.S., Mexico, the European Alps and Iran, with emphases on extensional tectonics, continental collision and both transpression and transtension.
Research Areas
My research interests are broad and include fault mechanics, continental tectonics (extensional, convergent, and strike-slip), shear- and fault-zone evolution, and applications of thermochronology. Fault mechanics research focuses on low-angle normal faults and, more recently, evolution of fault rocks. Past tectonic projects focus on the complex 3-D evolution of oblique rifting and collision. I have served on many graduate student committees in geology, tectonics, petroleum systems, earthquake seismology, reflection seismology, hydrology, numerical and analog geodynamic modeling, and economic geology.
My research, and that of my students, typically includes diverse approaches and collaborations with experts in other fields. These have included geologic mapping (regional to outcrop scale), structural/mechanical analysis, sedimentology, metamorphic petrology, geo- and thermochronology, volcanology, fluid-inclusion analysis, numerical modeling, and paleomagnetism.