Electrical Engineering Activities
View Elementary School Activities
Electric Play Dough |
Students will understand the use of conductive and insulating materials to electric currents by utilizing playdough and clay. These materials can be tested with simple tools like lights and ammeters to understand how the flow of electricity is affected due to the different properties of materials. |
Capacitor Lab |
Capacitors are a common device used in electrical components to store energy. In this
lab simulation, students will understand the nature and mechanics of a parallel plate
capacitor when a voltage source is applied. The program can then be used to demonstrate
a simulation of how a capacitor stores energy to power a light bulb. |
Creating an Electromagnet |
Electromagnets are an important component that we use on a daily basis. They are found in washing machines, refrigerators, electric toothbrushes and so much more. In this activity students will understand how an electromagnet works by generating a magnetic field with a battery, wire, and steel nail. This magnetic field then can be used to pick up paper clips that can be studied and altered to generate a stronger field to pick up a greater amount of paper clips. |
Flying Tinsel |
In this activity, students will understand the charging and discharging effect when generating a voltage through static electricity. This is shown through the demonstration of charging the tinsel that creates a repulsive force between the tinsel and the pan causing the tinsel to levitate. |
View Middle School Activities
Build an Electromagnetic Train |
In this activity students will understand how an electromagnetic force can be generated with a copper wire and battery. This force can then be utilized to form a train where magnets attached to a small battery are able to travel through the magnetic field generated by the wire. |
Circuit Construction Kit Simulator |
In this simulation students will be able to build a circuit to understand the different components that make up a circuit. These components can then be altered in a series or parallel configuration to demonstrate kirchhoff's law and how they affect output voltage. |
Using Arduino Simulators |
List of simulators to provide the first steps of programing for arduino microcontrollers.
The provided link focuses on the use of the Proteus arduino simulator providing a
list for key functions that can be utilized when programming an arduino. |
View High School Activities
Tiny Dancers |
Students will be able to generate an electromagnetic motor that can be utilized to
make a character of their choice spin around. From this activity, students will be
able to understand how an applied current from a battery can generate an electromagnetic
field creating a phenomenon known as the Lorenz force. |
Ohm's Law |
Students will observe the effect ohm's law has on the output voltage of a circuit
by observing the intensity of a light bulb in this hands-on activity. Students will
be given a set of supplies to build a simple circuit that can be connected in series
or parallel then observed how the intensity of light changes with each configuration. |
Circuit Construction Kit Simulator |
In this simulation students will be able to build a circuit to understand the different
components that make up a circuit. These components can then be altered in a series
or parallel configuration to demonstrate kirchhoff's law and how they affect output
voltage. |