Computer Science Activities
View Elementary School Activities
The Intelligent Piece of Paper |
In this activity, students will learn the basics of how code interacts with the human world, using if/else statements while playing a game of tic tac toe. |
20 Questions |
In this activity, students learn about conditional statements and logic traversing, using a simplified version of 20 questions. |
How Uniform Are You? |
In this activity, students can explore what randomness is using coin flips, and can see how a human’s randomness is not the same as truly random data. |
View Middle School Activities
Computer Vision |
In this activity, students learn about computational image analysis and how computers use shape and edge detection in order to process unknown images. |
Code.org | Minecraft |
This site compiles several coding activities designed to teach basic to intermediate
code and Computer Science concepts through interactive Minecraft challenges. |
Hour of Code | Khan Academy |
In this activity, students learn how to code basic shapes, and by the end, will be able to make images, like a face or snowman. |
View High School Activities
Codebreaker |
Codebreaker is an activity designed to teach algorithmic thinking and cryptography.
In this activity, students will learn mathematical algorithms to most consistently
solve the Mastermind puzzle. |
Harold the Robot |
In this activity, students learn how robots and computers need very specific commands in order to do even simple tasks. This allows kids to explore how programs take things literally and why error analysis is important to CS. |
How to Code a Snake Game |
In this game, students learn about the basics of creating an interactable game using intermediate block coding techniques to create a basic game of snake. |