Adobe Sign Information
About Adobe Sign
NMT was able to leverage the Creative Campus agreement to provide faculty and staff access to Adobe Sign--an industry leading tool for adding digital signatures to documents. Adobe Sign is one of Adobe's products, but is not part of the Creative Cloud. A number of departments are already using Adobe Sign for their documents or planning how they can use the tool most effectively. This page provides access to training and support resources for staff and faculty using the service.
If you were already using Docusign, you should have already gotten an email notification about your new account.
Until we can get all of NMT converted to using Single Sign-On (SSO) for Adobe, an @adobe.nmt.edu alias will be added to your normal email address and can be used to login to Adobe via SSO. Once everyone is converted, you will be told to revert to your @nmt.edu address to authenticate.
If you are staff or faculty and do not have access, but you need it, please contact Erik County (at nmt.edu) or Dan Lunceford (at nmt.edu), or put in a ticket with the help desk (at nmt.edu, x5700)
Training / Help
One of the best sources of training and Support is Adobe's online help center, including information in this Sign User Guide.
There is also a getting started guide.
There are a number of training videos below offered for a variety of Adobe Sign roles.
Common Tasks
- Send an agreement to a single user
- Send an agreement to multiple recipients
- Fill and sign a document yourself
All software is licensed for Faculty and Staff. Students may use it on Academic Lab computers. Non-lab licenses were not purchased for students (undergraduate nor graduate), interns, adjunct faculty, etc.
By downloading or copying the software, you are agreeing not to rent, sell, lease, assign or otherwise transfer the Software; reverse engineer, compile, make alterations to or otherwise modify the Software; or disclose or otherwise make available the Software, User Manuals, or copies thereof, to any third party.
How to install:
If you are a member of the following groups on campus please contact your local IT staff. All other groups please contact the ITC Help Desk at 575-835-5700 or help@nmt.edu.
- AdminNet (contact help@nmt.edu)
- CS
- EES (contact your local IT staff)
- EMRTC (contact your local IT staff)
Need help?
For questions or concerns contact your department's local IT staff or contact the ITC Help Desk at 575-835-5700 or help@nmt.edu.