Gary Axen
Dr. Gary Axen is a professor of structural geology in the Earth and Environmental Science Department. He earned his Ph.D. at Harvard University.
I am a structural geologist with broad interests in orogenesis, fault mechanics, rock deformation and subsurface interpretation. My research has included projects in the United States, Mexico, the European Alps and Iran, with emphases on extensional tectonics, continental collision and both transpression and transtension.
My research interests are in fault mechanics, continental tectonics (extensional, convergent, and strike-slip), shear-zone evolution, and thermochronology. My research into fault mechanics focuses on low-angle normal faults. Past tectonic projects focus on the complex 3-D evolution of oblique rifting and collision. I have served on many graduate student committees in geology, tectonics, petroleum systems, earthquake seismology, hydrology, numerical and analog geodynamic modeling, and economic geology.
- Geologic Mapping
- Structural/mechanical analysis
- Sedimentology
- Metamorphic Petrology
- Geo- and thermochronology
- Fluid-inclusion analysis
- Numerical modeling
- Paleomagnetism
Bruce Harrison
My current research projects include evaluating different relative dating methods to determine recurrence intervals of earthquakes in the Southern Arava rift; using soil properties to identify through flow pathways in a small first order drainage basin in the Negev Desert of Israel; identifying potential salinization problems associated with growing trees in arid environments; and using soils to determine the stability of the Nizzana longitudinal sand dune field.
Dr. Bruce Harrison is an associate professor of geology who specializes in soil, erosion and deposition to determine the frequency of floods, landslides, and glacial activity. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s in agricultural science from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico.
Current research projects center around two fields of interest:
- Using soils to evaluate timing of tectonic events in New Mexico, Israel, and Jordan;
- Considering the effect of spatial variation in soil properties on hydrological processes.
I am working with Jan Hendrickx on evaluating the relationship between depth of groundwater, soil stratigraphy, and soil salinity. This is to aid in revegetation strategies for the Rio Grande Bosque. We are also working with the Biology Department at the University of New Mexico to develop a soil water balance model for the Sevilleta Wildlife Refuge, north of Socorro.
Peter Mozley
Dr. Peter Mozley is a professor of geology and the New Mexico Tech vice president for academic affairs. His research involves the reservoir analysis for the petroleum systems and carbon sequestration. He also studies geologic controls on induced seismicity, and the evolution of calcic horizons in desert soils.
He earned his bachelor’s from Oberlin College, his master’s from the University of Colorado-Boulder; and his Ph.D. from the University of California-Santa Barbara.
His principal scientific interests are in the fields of sedimentary petrology, diagenesis, geological carbon sequestration, and environmental and petroleum geology.
- Reservoir analysis for petroleum systems
- Carbon sequestration
- Geologic controls on induced seismicity
- Geology of unconventional reservoirs (fracking)