Scholarship Honors Tech Grad Who Was 9-11 Pilot
October 28, 2010

In recent years, his classmates mounted a campaign to honor his memory with a special
scholarship. All full-time undergraduate Tech students are welcome to apply. Applicants
must demonstrate financial need by submitting FAFSA documents and submit a recommendation
letter from a faculty advisor.
The Victor Saracini Memorial Scholarship Application deadline is Monday, Nov. 22.
Vic Saracini came to Socorro from Atlantic City, N.J., and was a 1976 graduate of
New Mexico Tech with a bachelor’s in general studies. After he graduated from Tech,
he served in the Navy, where he trained as a pilot. He worked for United Airlines
for about 16 years. He was the captain of United Airlines Flight 175, which was crashed
into Tower I of the World Trade Center by terrorists. He was survived by his wife,
Ellen, two children, Kirsten and Brielle, and many Tech friends who remember him fondly.
Two of Saracini’s classmates, Geza Keller and Tom Dillon, mounted a campaign to create
a scholarship at New Mexico Tech to honor Vic's memory.
This scholarship commemorates the knowledge that Tech graduates will be at the center
of future world events. For the Fall 2010 semester one scholarship for $1,000 will
be awarded and another $1,000 scholarship will be awarded for the Spring 2011 semester.