Absentee Notification Form: fill out this form if you need to miss class because of emergencies and circumstances beyond your control. Once completed and signed, submit it to the Dean of Students.
Withdraw Without Prejudice Request Form: fill out this form if you need to withdraw from a course under extremely unusual circumstances (failing the course due to any disciplinary issues does NOT count). You will need to provide supporting documentation to prove your case. Once completed and signed, submit everything to the Dean of Students.
Change of Major Form: use this form if you realize that the major you have chosen is not the right fit and you would like to pursue a different one. And that's totally fine! Just make sure to discuss this with both advisors (the old and the new one), since you will need their signatures on the form. Once completed and signed, take it to the Registrar's Office (Fidel, 2nd floor). Need more information? Check out these tips on changing majors.
NOTE: The same form is used to change minor and/or advisor.
Directed Study Form: used to create a special course for a student. Once completed and signed, take it to the Registrar's Office (Fidel, 2nd floor).
Instructor Permission Form: fill out this form if a class you want to enroll in requires its instructor's approval. Once completed and signed, take it to the Registrar's Office (Fidel, 2nd floor).
Prerequisite Waiver Form: you may need to complete this form if you're getting a Prerequisite or Class Restriction errors when registering on Banweb. Once completed and signed, take it to the Registrar's Office (Fidel, 2nd floor).
Registration Form: used when a student needs to register for a class in person. Once completed and signed, take it to the Registrar's Office (Fidel, 2nd floor).
Withdrawal Form: fill out this form if you and your advisor both agreed that the best option for you is to withdraw from a given class. Once completed and signed, take it to the Registrar's Office (Fidel, 2nd floor).