Research Facilities
The Materials Departmental Laboratories are equipped with a variety of research-grade equipment providing a broad range of materials processing and characterization capabilities. In addition to supporting the teaching needs of the department, the labs also serve as a resource to the university for interdisciplinary materials research.
Versamet Z Unitron 7291 Microscope |
Digital Instruments Scanning Probe Microscope/Nanoscope |
Olympus GX 41 Microscope |
Nikon Eclipse L150 Microscope |
Buehler Evomet Grinder and Polisher |
CNC Baron Tabletop Milling Machine |
Delta Non-ferrous Tool Grinder |
Northern Industrial Horizontal Vertical Cut Band Saw |
Porter Cable Saw |
Giga S Vibratory Polisher |
Rheometric Scientific RMS 800 Rheometer |
Rheometric Scientific ARES-M Rheometer |
TA Instruments DSC Q2000 Thermal Analyzer |
TA Instruments TAM AIR Microcalorimeter |
MTS Mini Bionix II Tensile and Compressive Tester |
MTS Criteron Model 43 Tensile and Compressive Tester |
Nanovea PB1000 Nino-mirco Mechanical System |
Brookfield Viscometer with Helopath Stand |
Mark 10 DC 4050 Tensile Tester |
Rheometric Additive Manufacturing Device |
Filabot EX2 Filament Extruder |
Bell Jar Dry Aerosol Deposition System |
Prusa 3D Printer |
Carbide 3D Milling Machine for Additive Manufacturing Molds |
Aconity 3D Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing System |
RedBox Dry Aerosol Deposition System |
Magnetotransport Measurement Setup with 8Tesla Superconducting Magnet |
Alignment of Infared Optical Fiber with Visible Blue Semiconductor Laser |
Thinky Centrifugal Mixer |
Carver Hydraulic Laboratory Press |
Vevor 5L Roto Vap System |
Central Hydraulics 50-Ton Shop Press |
Fritsch Pulversette 6 Planetary Mill |
Kristalloflex 810 X-Ray Diffractometer |
SpectrAA Atomic Absorption Spectrometer |
PANalytical XRF Spectrometer |
Materials Department High Performance Data Cluster
EG&G Potentiostat/ Galvanostat |
Parstat 2263 Advanced Electrochemical System |
Indutherm 50C Induction Furnace |
Photoelectrochemistry Equipment |
Blue M Box-Type Muffle Furnace |
Deltech Furnace
Lindberg Rapid Temperature Furnace |
GCA Precision Gravity Convection Oven |
Sentrotech Furnaces |
Thermolyne 47900 Furnaces |
Zygo Zegage Scanning White Light Profilometer
Solartron 1260A Impedance/Material Analyzer |
HP 4192A LF Impedance/Material Analyzer |
HP 4291A LF Impedance/Material Analyzer |
Signatone 4-point Probe Resistivity Tester |
Sciencetech Solar Simulator |