Registration Information
There are several ways to register and all are easy and quick. You also don't need to be a Degree seeking student at New Mexico Tech in order to enjoy a class.
Regular Students:
Should Check With Advisor Before Taking a Community Education Course
Undergraduate: Full-time undergraduates can include these classes as part of their 12-18 credit course load without extra tuition fees. Register on Banweb using your Banner number.
Graduate: Full-time graduate students can enroll in 1 credit hour of Community Education coursework beyond their 12-hour credit limit at no extra cost, with permission from the Graduate Office.
Special/Non-degree seeking Students from 16 Up:
- Limited to 6 credit hours per semester.
- To register contact the Community Education Department Office, or register on your
Banweb online.
- Here are the instructions on how to register online.
- Seniors 65+ should remember to fill out the reduced tuition form and submit it during registration if this is their first semester or if they are returning after a break of three semesters.
Applicants under the age of 16:
- Must have a parent or guardian enrolled in the class with them
- Must have the instructor permission first and completed form submitted during registration.
- Children under the age of 16 may not attend New Mexico Tech Community Education without an enrolled parent or guardian in attendance.
- If an enrolled child comes to class and their parent or guardian is not available for the entire class time, the child will not be allowed to stay.
For more information please contact:
The Community Education Office located in Speare 138, email community.education@npe.nmt.edu or call 575-835-6581.