Custodial Services
The Custodial Crew is responsible for general building cleanliness, both on-campus and off-site (i.e., Facilities Management provides custodial services to the National Radio Astronomy Observatory's Array Operations Center at a predetermined cost).
Standard custodial services include general office maintenance (empty trash cans, vacuum offices, sweep and mop hallways and floors, clean restrooms, etc.), stripping and waxing floors during summer and winter break, shampoo carpets annually, cleaning windows and providing other custodial services as needs are identified.
Other annual services include coordinating with New Mexico Tech Residential Life office preparing dorms and classrooms for summer conference clients, responsible for commencement set-up (bleachers, chairs, etc.) and other campus events.
Billable Services:
- Moving furniture on campus
- Coordinates table and chair rental delivery (delivery provided for university customers to on campus locations only)
- Additional custodial services as requested by a department above and beyond the standard frequency (i.e., shampooing carpets more than once per year).
The Custodial Supervisor is responsible for planning, coordinating and directing all daily activities related to custodial operations, conducts daily campus and building inspections to provide daily supervision and interaction with custodial personnel, determining addition custodial services needed.
The Custodial Crew provides stand-by services, 24 hours a day. If you need off hours assistance in the event of an emergency, contact Campus Police Dispatch 575-835-5434 or dispatch@nmt.edu to have stand-by paged.
To reach all of our custodial management, email custodial@nmt.edu.
M. Anthony Chavez | Custodial Supervisor | 575-418-8229 | Facilities Management | 120B | m.anthony.chavez@nmt.edu |
Custodial Lead | 575- | Facilities Management | 120B | custodial@nmt.edu | |
Custodial Lead | 575- | Facilities Management | 120B |