Coaches Workshop
The Science Olympiad Fall Workshop is for coaches, teachers, supervisors, administrators, and anyone who is interested in creating an exciting learning environment in the classroom. Both new and prior events are emphasized as well as how to incorporate Science Olympiad activities in your classroom. Workshop presenters are experienced alumni, tournament organizers, and event supervisors at the state level and they have valuable information to share.
The following content should not be interpreted as an official extension of the Science Olympiad rules, and are rather the presenters' interpretations of the rules. Please refer back to the official rules manual to resolve confusion, and official clarifications can be found on the official FAQ and Rules Clarification pages.
Workshop Presentations
- Materials Science C
- PPT & Recordings
Download the file, open it, and present it, and the recordings built into each slide should play automatically.
- PPT & Recordings
- Mission Possible B
- General Chemistry Event Information & Techniques
We may also have a Helicopters presentation on the way--keep checking back for it.
Also remember to check out presentations below from previous years! Many still have useful information in them.