Performing Arts Series
Time: 12:00 - 4:00pm
Tickets: Free
Event Location: North Macey Grounds
Online Location: Facebook, YouTube

Inspired by Women’s History Month, NMT PAS is collaborating with a variety of campus
and Socorro organizations to create a mutifaceted two-day event: Friday, March 24 includes Voices of Women / Panel of Indigenous Women in STEM Discuss Pathways to Resilience in Promoting Indigenous Success, 1pm followed by a meet & greet with refreshments; Art Reception for Socorro County Artists Showcase with appetizers and cash bar, 6pm; The String Queens concert, nationally acclaimed trio, performing music from Baroque to Jazz to Billboard
Top 100, 7:30pm. Saturday, March 25, noon to 4pm: WomenFest Expo with Vendors, Exhibitors, Music, Dance, Speakers, Workshops and more! See the Summary
Schedule below and partial list of participant descriptions, with updates coming.
Below schedule is most current; and still subject to change.
Mainstage Performers
Colleen Gino & Ronna Kalish, 12:00pm - Colleen is a rocker at heart. She sings classic and original rock by some of the
great women vocalists, and is fearless when it comes to playing all the instruments--drums,
flute, guitar, ukele & slide being the ones most recently seen in public. She is
part of the band Half Note Society. For WomenFest23, Colleen will play a few of her
newest songs, hot off the press. Colleen is also known for her unique, sci-fi(ish),
playful, ethereal and other worldly photography. This past year she wrote and produced
the rock opera The Horror Channel, presented by the NM Tech Performing Arts Series
(NMTPAS). Ronna Kalish, best known as Director of NMTPAS (& instigator of WomenFest)
is in the long-standing Socorro folk rock band Roon. She is playing at WomenFest
in support of Colleen.
Tara Jaramillo, 12:25pm - State Representative, Advocate, Business Owner. States Tara: "At my core, I’m
an advocate for others. What drives me is bringing opportunities to New Mexico’s
children and families—especially for our rural communities and small towns where the
need is greatest." Tara Jaramillo is a Speech Language Pathologist who co-founded
Positive Outcomes, Inc., in 1999 after recognizing the gap of services for families
like hers who have children with disabilities. Based in Socorro, Positive Outcomes
provides home healthcare, early intervention, DD Waiver, and school-based and outpatient
services throughout central New Mexico to thousands of children and families. Tara
has successfully grwn Positive Outcomes into a business that employs over 500 people.
She was born and raised in Socorro County and her family has roots in the area from
before New Mexico was a state. Her family has been miners, entrepreneurs, ranchers,
and educators. Tara grew up close to the land on a ranch in Water Canyon and owns
a vineyard in Lemitar. Tara Jaramillo
Terri Sunflower & The Pistils, 12:45pm - TerriSunflower is a singer-songwriter. She plays guitar and ukulele, solo and
as part of the duo, HeartSleeve, currently back to solo again. She plays locally and
around NM. Playing with Terri for WomenFest are: Martha Cather, a multi-instrumentalist
and singer/harmonizer who has been part of the Socorro band Celtic Fringe and the
trio Why Knot?. Shelbi Etscorn is a vocal songbird who plays ukulele and bass ukulele,
performing both solo and sometimes with Flat Note Society. Colleen Gino is a singer-songwriter
and multi-instrumentalist known for her musical The Horror Channel, her band Flat
Note Society and as drummer for Fuzzy Logic. Joanna Fenton is a singer/harmonizer,
musician and songwriter who has played in all female bands before in NY and more recently
as part of the duo the Fentones with her husband, Tom. Who knows? Other artists might
show up in this group too!
Charisma Blues Dance Team, 1:30pm - Socorro High School's competitive, award winning dance team.
Julie Ford & the Full(ish) Professors, 2:15pm - Performing with friends and loved ones brings Julie Ford profound joy. In her day
job she is a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering department at NMT. Julie is joined
by her Full(ish) Professor bandmates: Steve Simpson on guitar and vocals, Ephraim
Ford on bass, Paul Demorest on saxophone, Andrew Wagg on percussion, and Ryan Leary
on mandolin and fiddle.
Studio Z Socorro, 2:50pm - Where EveryBody is a Fit Body. Studio Z is a private studio providing Zumba, Dance
Fit Aerobics and Strong by Zumba. Classes are in a secure and comfortable environment,
providing over 40 years of combined fitness experience!
NMT CED Zumba - A fun way to beat the stress of classes! Teaching the basics of Zumba, Dance Fit
and Hip Hop since 2016. Great for all levels!
The Tori Murillo Band, 3:15pm - Tori is a Socorro favorite, having fronted Murillo family bands since her teens.
With a repertoire that includes Spanish, country, classic and contemporary, you might
find yourself up and dancing. She will be joined by dad Richard Murillo, cousin guitarist
Matthew, and on drums Lefty Gonzales. Tori is a long-time Socorro Zumba instructor.
Speakers & Workshop Presenters
Nicole White, 12:30 & 3:00pm (Macey North Patio) - Mandala Painting Nicole White Wellness
Melissa Begay, 1:00pm (Copper Room) - Director, NM Tech Recreation & Wellness Center.
EFT Tappping and Energy Medicine. Emotional Freedom Technique (AKA Tapping)is a simple stress reduction technique that
can easily be self-applied to calm the mind and body. Energy medicine involves balancing
and restoring your body’s natural energies for the purposes of increasing your vitality,
strengthening your mental capacities, and optimizing your health. The methods Melissa
uses are based on the teaching of Donna Eden and her book Energy Medicine.
Julie Johnson Drum Tribe, 1:15pm (Grass & Tree south of Macey Center) - Belly Dance Instructor, NM Tech Community Education; Drumming Teacher for Drum
Tribe Ensemble.
Come drum with Drum Tribe! Drums and percussion will be provided, or, bring your own.
Vannetta Perry, 1:30pm (Galena Room) - Certified Travel Director and Guide; Owner, Soulful Traveling. Women Supporting Women: Through Story and Action. Vannetta has led groups to rural areas of developing countries since 1999, exciting
places like Brazil, Ghana, Cuba, and Mexico. She provides experiences that focus on
connecting with and supporting local inhabitants of the areas visited so that as a
participant, you feel like you have found a second home. Soulful Traveling
Karin Williams, 2:15pm (Copper Room) - Retired Principal, Teacher, Speech & Language Pathologist, and Evaluator. As a
lifelong learner Karin has studied and practiced Buddhism, Meditation, Photography,
Karuna, Literature, Music, Visual Journaling and more.
Contemplative Writing
Estefanita "Steffie" Rawlings, 2:45pm (Galena Room) - Program Coordinator, New Mexico Small Business Development Center – Technology Commercialization
Accelerator (TCA) at New Mexico Tech. Intellectual Property and How to Protect It An overview of the New Mexico Small Business Center / Technology Commercialization
Accelerator at NM Tech. Estafanita will discuss intellectual property, how one can
protect their IP, and what resources are available to innovators and entrepreneurs.
Estefanita is a New Mexico Tech alumni with degrees in computer science and mathematics.
Prior to coming to NMSBDC TCA Estefanita worked in the education arena as a senior
data analyst and senior programmer analyst for many years.
NMT Technology Commercialization Accelator
Exhibitors & Vendors (more coming...)
Art by RQ
Association of University Women (AAUW) - Socorro & NMT Club
Busy Bee Artistry
Catholic Daughters of America
City of Socorro / Socorro Public Library
DeeCee's Boutique
Desert Badger Baking Co
Enchanted Hoops.
ERREZ Entertainment
Flo Control
Keres Community Health
Let's Jewelry
Lujan's Lovely Nails
Mary Kay
Masani Creations
Midwest NM CAP
Nadine's Bling
NM Dept Health
NM Lapadary and Design
NMT Quasar
NM Tech Showcase of Academic Departments
NMT Tribeta
NRAO: VLA & STEAM Outreach
Ortiz Jerky
Pretty Petals Boutique
Raven Art Center & Tierra Soul
Roots by the Rio
Saints of All Angels
SCOPE Health Council - Socorro County Options Prevention & Education
Socorro County Fed. of Democratic Women & Democratic Party
Socorro Farmers Market
Socorro General Hospital
Sunflower Pet Care
Susie Welch Crafts
Tipsy Designs
Wandering Scorpion
Williams One Creator
Event Sponsors
This will be updated soon.