Performing Arts Series
Showtime: Fri/Sat- 7:00pm; Sun- 2:00pm
Tickets: $16/Adult; $12/Sr, 65+; $8/Youth, 17<;
Free/NMT Students
Event Location: Macey Center
Online Location: Facebook, YouTube

Socorro Community Theater and NMT present their annual musical, Little Shop of Horrors,
starring NMT students and Socorro residents! The story follows a meek plant store
attendant named Seymour, his co-worker crush Audrey, her sadistic dentist of a boyfriend,
and the man-eating plant that threatens them and the world as we know it.
About the Artists: Cast & Production Crew
Cast in order of appearance
Voice…Lloyd Tozier
Chiffon… Cameron Caruso
Crystal… Katie Teems Norris
Ronnette… Genna Crom
Mr. Mushnik…Santiago Montoya
Audrey…Emma Nourse
Seymour…Danny Tallon
Singing Wino…Greg Miller
Customer…Jay Blanchard
Interviewer… Chris Hathaway
Dentist…Minnie Mao
Audrey II Voice…Deven Raman
Audrey II…Jalethzie Peña
Bernstein…Jay Blanchard
Mrs. Luce…Katya Makhnina
Skip Snip…Ngoc Bui
Patrick Martin…Suzanne Eisenberg and Val Thomas
Ensemble (Skid Row/Finale)…Clint Richardson, Haley Cordova, Estevan Ortega, Shane
Collins, Ella Hooks, Betsy Long, Warren Marts, Fita Apodaca
Conductor: Kristal Kent
Piano: Heather Sanchez
Drums: Rob Long
Bass: Jim Ruff
Guitar: Tom Fenton
Director...Theresa Apodaca
Assistant Director and Stage Manager…Vanessa Cordova
Production Manager…Steve Simpson
Accompanist/Vocal Coach…Heather Sanchez
Choreographer…Genna Crom
Set Designers …Eileen Comstock, Val Thomas
Audrey II Puppet Designer and Trainer…Mickey Gammil
Prop Master and Associates…Sophie Bauer, Lloyd Tozier, Mohammad Sadeghmoghaddam
Sound Effects…Lloyd Tozier
Sound Mixing…Jenny Cyphers, Vaux Hall
Lighting Designers…Jenny Cyphers, Kaisa Drew
Costumes…Haley Hansen, Fita Apodaca
Make-up Artist/Hair and Associates…Val Thomas, Grace O’Leary, Katie Montoya, Janice
Publicity…Ronna Kalish, Dana Chavez, Kathryn Cook, Russell Huffman
Website Marketing (PAS and SCT)…Dana Chavez, Ronna Kalish, Karin Fort
Poster and Program Designer…Dana Chavez
Set Construction…Eileen Comstock, William Anderson, Christie Smith, Elizabeth Enos
Backstage…Joseph Vanderhaar, Jason Malone, Elizabeth Enos, Ensemble