Performing Arts Series
Showtime: Fri/Sat November 4-5- 7:30pm
Tickets: $15/Adult; $12/Sr, 65+; $5/Youth, 17<;
Free/NMT Students
Event Location: Macey Center
Online Location: Facebook, YouTube
Preshow Art Reception: DarK Art

The Horror Channel - A Dark Comedy Musical - Where Nightmares Become Real
An original musical from the mind of Socorro resident Colleen Gino, Horror Channel
is a sung-through musical consisting of 15 original songs. As you can guess from the
title, the songs are horror-themed and talk about the trials, tribulations, loves,
losses and lives of such creatures as vampires, werewolves, aliens, zombies, monstrous
doctors, and psycho killers. The premise is based on the main character wanting to
unwind on a Friday night after a stressful week of work, and deciding to stay at home
with her cats, drink some wine, and watch scary movies on the Horror Channel. As she
dips in and out of sleep she dreams up characters and situations based on what she’s
hearing on TV. The characters she creates in her dreams are humorous, silly, creepy,
and often irreverent, but always genuine and relatable, experiencing emotions we all
have, even if we’re not monsters. The musical styles range from pop and rock to folk
and blues, with heart-wrenching ballads, up-tempo rockers, a waltz and even a little
rap thrown in. “Horror Channel” will take you on a musical trip full of crazy characters,
both good and maybe not so good, and leave you with a smile on your face and catchy
tunes running through your head.
The Cast [in order of appearance]
Julie Ford, Ryan Norris, Amy Kimball, Val Thomas, Neil Haverstic, Frances Deters,
Rory Thomas, Madison "Maddy" Thomas, John Leeper, Dave Thomas, Katie Teems Norris,
Enrique Rodriguez
The Band
Colleen Gino, Drums; Dylan Etscorn, Bass; Ben Thomas, Guitar; Terri Sunflower, percussion;
Kenny Aerts, guitar; Danny Moreno, saxophone.